Turn back the clock, return to your former glory days or just create or maintain excellent wellness and mobility to live your senior years the way you deserve. These safe, relaxed, friendly, fun and moderately paced classes are aimed directly at creating functional movement patterns that will keep our SENIOR athletes moving well for the rest of their days.
Continuing to move functionally is absolutely critical as we move through our senior years and there is no better place to do it than amongst our empowering community. Before you ask… YES, this is for you as we cater for all ages and fitness levels. Oh and feel free to grab a coffee after class and socialise with other AGELESS ACTIVE team members in our great little café. You will love this one… it’s one of our favourites!
Join hundreds of like-minded Rockhampton locals just like you on the journey to a fit and healthy life. I’ve you’ve been thinking about making a positive change, we’d love to meet and discuss your fitness and lifestyle goals!
Enter your details to WIN!!